Saturday, November 22, 2008


As I mentioned earlier, I just can't keep up with the new and interesting things Patrick does that have simply become a part of daily life. But THIS ONE is different - partly because we caught it as it was happening, on camera, and partly because it is terrifyingly awesome. He's done stairs for a while now, but Behold! He climbs! ....and then he gets high-centered on the arm rest. But fear not - he climbed it succesfully about 5 other times, and also got so good he no longer needed any assistance from me (except for getting down gracefully).


hibiscusgirl said...

that's hilarious! Max is starting to climb too.

Kari and Jonathan said...

You better watch out! One day you'll come into your room and he'll have climbed onto your huge bed and you'll be like "oh crap."