The Gustavson part of the crew, though most of us ditched the maiden name. Here are Joe, Kirsta, and Patrick Jacobs; Jonathan and Kari Phelps; John and Linda (mom and dad) Gustavson; Grandma Gustavson; Brian, Elsha, and Kalena van de Boogaard
The saaaaaaad part about the holiday weekend was that it did not provide me much relief from one very picky 10-month old, who just decided last weekend that he cannot live without physical contact with his lovely mother at each and every waking moment. So he put on his saaaaad face as soon as I put him down, handed him to dad, stuck him in his high chair for meals, tried to get him to hug the relatives, or get 2 minutes to myself to go to the bathroom. He was NOT HAPPY. But perhaps he just needed extra comfort because in 2 days he got 2 new teeth! Which brings the grand total to 6 teeth, and exponentially increases my fear of getting bitten while nursing and further convincing me that relatives bring on new teeth, as he has only popped them while someone was visiting or being visited. Watch out, Christmas break! ..... I don't actually think the teeth are the culprit, but I can lie to myself pretty convincingly (and optimistically!) All in all, though, we've had an AWESOME Thanksgiving break, we've had SO much fun visiting family, and we're not looking forward to returning back to the daily grind and a semi-normal diet :)
Chillin' and digesting in the living room after the big meal
Patrick plays with (or wrestles) cousin Kalena
"Grandma" Gustavson - she's still mom to me! - plays with some of her very favorite people.
first off, your mom looks super young! second, I remember when Braxton used to drain everything out of me...physically, mentally...he always wanted me at one point and wouldn't go to Jeff, grandma...
Now I so miss that! He is so big and 3 and independent and...
So enjoy it because it doesn't last forever! (but I have been there and it is exhausting)
cute!!!! I'm sorry Patrick was needy but the way I see it, they're only this young for so long & grow so fast! soon he'll be big & not want you around. Enjoy it now! as for the biting, babies don't know biting hurts when they are teething & nursing. It only takes a few nursing lessons & biting for them to stop. I don't know about Patrick but Max doesn't like when the boob is taken away. Max started teething at 3 months. I had a few bitings then when he was first teething but a firm NO & taking the boob away for 15 min sure solved that one. He hasn't bitten since & he's got 6 teeth!
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