Thursday, November 20, 2008

About last weekend....

Joe's parents came up to visit from Craig last weekend, and we had such a great time! Of course, our nuclear family has been having such a great time this week (not doing anything in particular, just having a great time enjoying what was left of the warm weather) that I haven't written about it...'til now. They came up Friday night and Joe was able to hang with them a while; I stayed home with Patrick, who was having a meltdown from sleepiness. Saturday morning they came over after breakfast and we talked and waited for Patrick to warm up to these "strangers," which he eventually did, and then some! He's quite shy when someone new is trying to be nice to him, but fortunately he gets over it quickly, and by the end of the day he was cuddeling and showing off new tricks, like taking steps by himself!

Patrick first official step came 2 weeks ago when my parents were visiting, and they even got to witness it! (Why did I not mention this before? Read on) I was surprised by how anticlimactic it was - it's not like he took off running, but it was definitely a step on his own! And nobody had a video camera waiting, there was no screams of joy afterwards, it was just "oh! That's new!" But then nothing for 2 weeks, until Joe's parents came, and then he took more steps all by himself. Maybe he's inspired by an audience? If that's the case, anyone want to hang out and be an audience? We could have him walking solo by the end of November. As it is, he is now standing unassisted and taking one or two steps unassisted, and it's scaring the daylights out of me. He's such a KID.

Cute li'l stories:
SO fatigued last night he fell asleep early without nursing, but then woke up an hour later with a rumbly belly and a wet diaper. I nursed first, then went to change his diaper. I'd gotten the diaper off off, but before I could put a new one on he rolled onto his stomach, naked butt in the air, and fell asleep on the carpet! You don't want to laugh out loud because you don't want to scare them, but it was almost impossible not to!

While I was cleaning up breakfast this morning Patrick got into the cupboard. He grabbed the bag of Pizza Goldfish and, standing unsupported, was working his two little hands to get the thing open. Much harder done than said, so instead he turns it upside down and shakes it til ALL the goldfish are on the floor, then he sits down in the middle of them and started snacking away. Facing the corner, totally in his own little goldfish world. It made me chuckle so much, I didn't even mind the mess!


hibiscusgirl said...

gotta LOVE the spirit of a child learning to explore their world. I took Max to Cam's office after story time & a lady there bought him a book. He was soooo not interested in it but made a huge pile of paper on the floor from the recycle bin. he loves paper! Yeah for Patrick walking. Watch he comes!

Psycho Dad said...

Goldfish? Ha! Wait until he gets into the flour and butter and starts lathering and dusting himself.