Tuesday, September 2, 2008


These are total copies from my sister Kari's blog, but for friends who don't feel compelled to click on ALL my family links you can see who we spent our fun weekend with. And we can pretend that I'm original in posting these cute photos!

Kari and Aly, friends since dinosaur days

The Jacobs family and the Phelps family (aka my sister and brother-in-law)

Enjoying their cute backyard while steaks sizzled in the background - mmmmmm!

It WAS a fun weekend, with one little hiccup - Patrick was OFTEN in a bad mood, and REALLY bad about taking naps. We figured lack of naps led to lack of good attitude, but we did NOT figure out until Monday that lack of naps was probably because Patrick got TEETH! Not one, but two in one day. Poor kid, he battled through it pretty well, considering! Looking back, maybe he wasn't so fussy after all....


Kari and Jonathan said...

You really need to blog about all the things Patrick ate and drank this weekend because the pics are so cute!! I would blog it, but he's not mine to blog, or brag, about!!

hibiscusgirl said...

awe how cute! they are such cuties with teeth. max got 2 ~3weeks ago & now you can really see them. he's working on his uppers now!