Saturday, April 18, 2009

Meow... I mean, RAAAAAAAAR!

Patrick is quite the imitator so Joe thought it would be funny to teach him that his little housecat figurine is a mountain lion, and that it attacks poor horses by taking them down by the neck. Violent? Yes. But also? FUNNY! Also funny: the no-shirt-with-a-bib-on look. He'd been eating easter candy, so to avoid a sticky tummy and one less outfit in the laundry we opted for this fine ensemble. Later on we went to some sports stores and every stuffed animal we saw (mountain lions, yes, but also deer, elk, fish... you get the picture) apparantly also makes the same "raaaaaaaar!" So much entertinment from such a little person :)

1 comment:

Kari and Jonathan said...

How cute that he always looks to Daddy to see if he's doing it right.