Sunday, April 26, 2009

Life's little pet peeves

As a list maker, I (of course) keep a little running list of things that drive me insane. I'm not even writing because I'm currently in a bad mood, I just think of things during the day and think it's kinda funny to put them down. You're welcome :)

- When I miss a call, and that caller leaves a voicemail, it will tell me I have a voicemail but I have to bypass the voicemail screen to see who called so I know if I even want to LISTEN to the message, THEN I have to rummage around through various menus to re-find my voicemail and listen to it or delete it. If I'm lazy and figure "eh, I'll just hear what it is," my phone still says I have a missed call, even though I just listened to that caller's voicemail! DUH. How bout putting the cart before the horse, verizon? You lose, in my book.

- Some websites (like require you to enter their squiggly-lettered word so they know you're a person, not a machine (or something like that). Fine, whatever. What gets me is when the word is SO squiggly and fuzzy and cAPItoLiZEd and bold and m-a-r-k-e-d-t-h-r-o-u-g-h that even I, an intelligent human being, cannot decipher it. SERIOUSLY, your security system stinks!

- Over-zealous appliances that feel the need the alert you at top volume. Really, I HEAR YOU. There should really be volume controls you can program in - soft, for when your baby's sleeping and you just want to microwave a freaking hot pocket without the timer blasting them awake, regular for those regular days, and top volume for those 65 and older, who forgot they put a hot pocket in there in the first place.

- Overdone exclamation points!!!!!!!!!! I hate these!!!! Especially when the sentence isn't even exciting!!!!!! Did some amiss English teacher tell kids that extreme exclamation points is OK? Multiple periods doesn't make the sentence any more over, multiple commas does't create a larger pause... so why should we accept multiple exclamation points? I will accept the double-point, simply out of common usage (like how slang gets into the dictionary, I suppose) but NO MORE. Period period period period period.

- When girls flush the toilet while doing their business in a public bathroom. First, you're in a bathroom, in a stall - I'm guessing you're not just checking your hair. Don't think a flush makes you any more innocent; whether or not people can hear it, we still know what you're doing. Second, you're only making thing worse for yourself since flushing inevitably produces a cold spray of public-toilet water on your bare bum - yuck!! So now we know what you're doing AAAAAAND you have a cold, soggy bottom! And now you're all that AND you're annoying - at least in my book.

-Blogger not letting you cut-n-paste in your posts. How could you possibly NOT HAVE THIS? It doesn't make sense. Cut-n-paste is BASIC, they teach it in Kindergarten with safety scissors, surely we should be able to use it here.

I'll be sure to add again when life presents more of these little irratations, I KNOW you're on the edge of your seats just waiting to hear things that irk me :) So, what bugs YOU?


The Miz said...

I agree some of those are very annoying. But you can cut and paste in blogger!!!! Isn't that exciting? Anyways, I do it all the time. Here I go, entering in the word verification:

Elsha said...

My cell phone does the same thing with the voice mail. Ugh. Also, I'm with you about hating the extra exclamation points. It doesn't make things more exciting. It may, however, lower my opinion of you and your writing skills.

Kari and Jonathan said...

Both you girls need to get iPhones with virtual voicemail. Second, I love exclamation points!!! Dad always used to make fun of me while reading the birthday cards I wrote him, full of exclamation points!! So go ahead and think less of me, I was never that good a writing anyway :) Third, Jonathan always has a mid flush, lol. It's called a courtesy flush, and it's to "get the stink away." haha.

Psycho Dad said...

Someone in our office turns on the faucet when they use the toilet, so you think they're washing their hands... right? We keep plenty of Fabreeze under the sink, next to the stool for the courtesy "odors."

I once read a book by a psychiatrist whose patient decided he, the shrink, was genuine (i.e. "trustworthy") when the patient heard him using the toilet, peeing right into the water, not trickling his stream down the porceline, no noise masking faucets, no courtesy flushes. Curious what bends our perspective of the world.

Eric and Amy said...

Punctuation errors bug me more than is considered normal. The worst offenders are apostrophes (The car is our's), exclamation points (I walked home on a sidewalk!!!!!!), and ellipses (Once...........). First of all, for the love of all English, figure out possessives, people. Secondly, I think there's a limit of 3 exclamation points, and anything beyond that means you lose credibility. Thirdly, when you're cutting somthing out, it's ... unless you're cutting out and ending a sentence, in which case you add the final period for .... As Monty Python would say, "Five is RIGHT OUT". You know the guy who gets the forwarded emails that say, "Do YoU KnOw WhAt ToDaY iS?!?!?!?!?!?!?! ToDaY iN............ 1426 LoL StEaM EnGiNe'S wE'rE InVeNtEd" and who replies and fixes the whole thing and then tells the sender why they're wrong and backs the whole thing up with various website sources? Yeah... I am THAT GUY. But you know what? I don't get as many emails like that as I used to, and it's not because those people aren't emailing me any more. I like to think that they are wising up a little bit. Probably not, though.

hibiscusgirl said...

you can cut & paste here, what are you talking about?