I really have a love/hate relationship with cameras. I LOVE cameras because:
1. You will never look as young and beautiful as you do now. As of tomorrow, you will be older.
2. Patrick will never be as young as he is now. Man, the days fly by! (as do the milestones!)
3. I love to scrapbook. You can't very well scrapbook without any photos.
4. It's digital! If you take the pictures you can always delete them, but you can't recapture what you don't take.
5. Preserving the present for when it becomes history is sort of an obsession for me (28 journals and counting...)
I HATE cameras because:
1. I always look back and think "look how young and silly I was! Thank goodness I'm grown up now," but I know in the back of my mind that 5 years from now.....
2. You want to take pictures to capture the moment as it happened, but instead of letting the moment happen, you're interrupting it by yelling "say CHEEEEESE!!"
3. If I DON'T interrupt to tell "CHEEEESE!!" all my "natural" photos turn out like crap. People chewing with their mouth open, half-blinks, that kind of thing.
4. When visiting some place beautiful I feel compelled to stick people in front of it, completely obliterating the scenery. Like #2, all my nature photos turn out like crap. What is, in real life, the MOST GORGEOUS view of the mountains you've ever seen, on my camera it looks like a silly green hill. And why aren't there any people in this picture of the silly green hill?
5. I almost NEVER delete photos. The exception is if people are chewing with their mouths open of half-blinking, when I think "why did I bother taking this photo anyway? I should have just yelled "say CHEEESE!!!" So now I have 5,000 photos of the same people in front of obliterated backgrounds, NOT living in the moment because they were focusing on hamming it up for my stupid photo. Garrrrrrr!
That being said, it's time to post some more photos, not living in the moment at the park. We spent one evening at Spring Canyon park, the MOST AWESOME park I've ever been to (besides Disneyland, but this is a FREE park). Joe and I went there for Patrick but really played on the toys more ourselves!
Patrick practices driving. Next stop: a tay car that MOVES
An intrepid explorer!
I'm totally with you on the camera stuff!
On a different note, you'll be sad to know that
a) the sketchers were tossed unceremoniously into the dumpster and
b) Brian shaved his hair all off this very evening. Bye-bye white man fro.
But just think, we look through a few old photo albumbs of our parents and find one or two really cute pictures of ourselves that we pick out as our "favorite" and proceed to show only those pics to people for the rest of our lives. Our kids can only be so lucky that when they're older they will have folders and folders of pics to look through of their lives growing up because digital cameras allow us the capacity to take LOTS more pictures and make sure they're good!! Lucky kids!!
isn't spring canyon park cool?!! we went there the other day. I hadn't been since they remodeled it. playground technology sure has changed in my 30 yrs! the dog park has a pond in it which one of my dogs LOVES!
You're so funny, I miss you! I could be posting my own blog but I'd rather use my only free time of the entire day (both kids are napping and Jeff's at work) to read yours! Oh and your son is adorable!
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