Thursday, June 25, 2009

Big bloomin'

My plants are getting huge-mongous! When I take stock of my supply it doesn't seem so large - sure I have lots of plants, but not so many of each kind, right? If things continue to grow so well, though, I doubt I will still consider 11 pepper plants, 3 zucchinis, 6 tomato, 3 basil, 3 cucumber, and 2 watermelon plants all for a small family of 3 not so large. I think I'll be regretting my lack of foresight, instead, while Joe regrets eating yet anther batch of zucchini muffins for breakfast and stuffed peppers for dinner. For the time being, though, each morning I enjoy my zucchini plants, which have these giant orange blooms on them (where I will presumably be getting those scrumptious actual zucchinis from) but by noon they wither up and are gone. Fortunately, I'm up PLENTY early to catch the "action" and a little photo. I'm so proud!

1 comment:

hibiscusgirl said...

they must love all the dirt I gave you?!