We knew we'd have a lot of spiders in the house when we moved in, since it had been vacant a while, and not exactly in perfect condition. We sprayed the more dubious locations and corners, set sticky spider traps, and try not to be TOO untidy or bug-friendly. To make sure the traps aren't getting full (seriously, LOTS of spiders) and missing some of our 8-legged "friends," I check them periodicly. Plus, morbid curiosity, I HAVE to know what was crawling under my bed that is now no longer alive - mwahahahaha! THAT IS... until I saw THIS BEAST.
Easily the largest spider I've seen outside of a cage! 1" body length. That's an average-sized house spider to the right of it. I am SO glad we live in Colorado and this is as bad as it gets, though I'm certainly not happy to find "as bad as it gets" was crawling through my living room...
Did the Spider have balls on the end of its antenna? If it did it looks like a Hobo spider to me. They look like average spiders but have balls on the end of their antenna, and are super aggressive. Spray your house again! They don't climb furniture or walls usually but their bite is nasty!
GAH! That is creepy! Also, I just showed that to Kari and I'm pretty sure she's never coming to your house again. Is that spider bigger than that creepy creepster that used to live outside the window at mom and dads? Just looking at that picture give me the heebie jeebies. YUCK.
gross! btw, don't you dislike multiple exclamation points in a row? (<:
YUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK. There was a spider on my bed here at Mom and Dads house and I asked Dad to kill it and he said no, and everyone else was sleeping and I almost cried.
Thats gross. I hate spiders.
You can also buy some eucalyptus (sp?) twigs at Hobby Lobby or some other craft shop and put some in every room. They will scurry away fast. Then you can throw away the stinky branches when the creepers are gone. Blichhh.
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