Saturday, September 12, 2009

Weekend Warriors

Once again, wonderful weekend company! Kari and Jonathan came up with their sweet new baby girl Amelia and we spent TWO night AND TWO WHOLE DAYS (ho, ho! Moving up in the world from two whole meals!) together doing... well, not much. Still, we had a fantastic time doing it. On Friday both our husbands went to work and we chilled all day, managing to get dressed and do our makeup approximately 15 minutes before they got home, but I did water the lawn that morning, so when they asked during dinner what we'd done all day we said "yardwork!" HA! So sneaky :) But our ensuing laughter totally gave us away. With newborns, the "to do" list gets a little more simplified and "painted the house" suddenly turns into more mundane things like "fed the baby and changed diapers." We did LOTS of mundane things, like shared our toys with the baby.

Had yummy snacks

Found important body parts, like be-boos

Shared our feelings

Had a playdate with Eli. Well, ignored Eli during a playdate.

Tried on the snuggly with Pound Puppy, to make sure it would work with Amelia

Posed for some grown-up (but not in that way) photos before our wonderful weekend was over :(


Elsha said...

I'm so excited for NEXT weekend when everyone is here!! By the way, bring your camera cord or something so I can get all those pictures of Patrick and Kalena that I don't have yet.

Kari and Jonathan said...

Thanks for the fun visit! I am also excited for all of us to get together! It's gonna be a crazy time and the Gustavson house.

Andrea said...

So fun. I love the "yard work." That cracks me up. So true. So is "Eli" your little one's name? Very good name.

Kari and Jonathan said...

I just have to say that I love how into Amelia Patrick was! He is the very cutest when he says "uh oh" when she cries. He is going to be the best older brother! He will just love little Eli unconditionaly.

Eric and Amy said...

Cute pictures of the cousins!