Friday, September 25, 2009

Just call me Chubbs

Things are starting to get geared up around here in preparation for labor and delivery! Some things are big house things, like finally getting the bedrooms painted so we won't be living in a fume-induced coma being unable to open the windows because it starting to get COLD. Well, we could open the windows, but we haven't bought a new furnace yet (the existing one puts out so much CO2 that it was registering at dangerous levels in the kitchen, approximately 3 rooms and 1/2 flight of stairs away) and I'm just not going to let all the hot air I've accumulated through countless crock pot meals, baking extravaganzas, and unnecessarily long laundry drying times escape. That's just wasteful (unlike my 3 batches of cookie bars and super-hot clean towels). Some other things are small, like getting out and sorting through all the new baby clothes so I know exactly how long I can avoid doing laundry after we get the new furnace and I have the baby (I have 24 sleepers*, so that should last a solid 2 weeks [counting on blow-outs and projectile spit-up and such...]). One thing that is considered necessary during this preparatory time is visiting the doctor more often. This doesn't feel necessary to me - first they check blood pressure, which (for me) illicits "wow, you have really low blood pressure!" every time. Yep, still good. Then they check the baby's heart rate as it's tumbling about in my stomach and, I'm fairly sure, internally bruising my organs, and lamely ask "so are you feeling baby move?" What? You didn't see that knee sticking out of my side?!? Preeeeetty sure the kiddo's healthy. Maybe you could look in on my liver, though, I think it's been reloacted in the last 5 minutes. Coming up is the weekly "check" to see how I (if I am a cervix) am progressing, which is just ridiculous - being dilated/effaced COULD mean I'm closer to being in labor! ... or it could mean I just have to waddle like a penguin for 2 weeks with a baby fully engaged in my pelvis while I wait for stupid labor to start. WHO KNOWS. So why get my hopes up? ANYWHO, the best part of any checkup is seeing just how much you weigh these days - I certainly don't mind gaining weight (bring on those 3 batches of cookie bars!), it's mostly baby anyway (plus 14 cookie bars), and this is such a transitory period that 5 pounds here or there won't matter in the end (50 pounds, I could see some concern...). However, my doctor feels otherwise. Last week, for the second time, I've gotten raised eyebrows and a heavy sigh after stepping on the scale! Ok, it's one thing if I have gestational diabetes/was overweight to begin with/have gained more then the recommended amount overall, but none of these apply to me! In fact, it just makes me want to slap some heavy-sighing nurse (who IS overweight) because this is less than I gained last time and nobody made a peep... and I don't think they were wrong to not make a peep! So keep your breathing to yourself, or feel free to hand over my chart next time and I'll record my weight so you don't have to be so dismayed that I put on 6 1/2 pounds in 2 weeks (not unreasonable). That's what's going over here! Painting, baking, and ranting and raving - sounds like fun!

*Why would someone have 24 sleepers, for crying out loud? Well, lots were presents, lots were hand-me-downs, and lots were poor judgement on my part as to how long a newborn stays in 0-3 month clothing. Still, I feel that it's 99% unnecessary to put an outfit on anyone under 3 months old (the 1% is church and sheer satisfaction of seeing the cute outfit you were gifted on the baby for at least 5 minutes before they poop on it).


The Miz said...

Just to play devil's advocate but maybe she's not sighing because you've gained a "whopping" 6.5 lbs in 2 weeks. Maybe she's sighing because you've ONLY gained 6.5 lbs in 2 weeks.

Schmidt Family said...

What no picture of the "chubbs"?

hibiscusgirl said...

you're funny! I gained 70lbs with Max & have only gained 3 with peanut. And seriously 24 sleepers?!!! now that's crazy! (<:
plus why do all the checks on the cervix? doesn't mean anything except to get your hopes up. baby knows when to come & docs forget that they really have no control.

hibiscusgirl said...

oh yeah & one month I gained a huge amount & my midwife was wondering if I needed an US for twins. sometimes you have growth spurts in utero - the last month or so is when baby should put on the most fat & weight to gear up for the big journey down the birth canal!

Kari and Jonathan said...

Doc visits suck in my opinion. They are all exactly the same! Like, I heard all this last week. Things are still the same as they were 7 days ago.. STILL no baby, that's all that matters. I hear ya :)