Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Quiet life

This past weekend we met up with family in Denver for a GLORIOUS vacation of hotels with babysitters, pools, take-out chinese food, and, oh yeah... Kari and Jonathan getting sealed in the temple!  It was a really awesome reason for a trip AND a really awesome trip, so DOUBLE whammy! No pictures from me, of course, I seem to have given up taking pictures - haven't taken a single on in July or August - but I pilfered these from aunt Ann via facebook.  Mwahahaha!  I blogged it first, Kari.

Gorgeous family, huh?  Anyway, I'll let Kari do her own post on that....

After the Denver visit we sent Patrick along with his cousins, aunt and uncle, and Gustavson grandparents to stay in Grand Junction for the week!  I feel slight anxiety at having him gone so long, just because part of the "mom" job description to worry even when there's nothing to worry about, but I know he's in the best of hands and the best company so I doubt he's feeling any anxiety at all - just fun!  I saw a picture of a massive fort of blankets and boxes that uncle Brian built them today, and who could feel anxious when they've got a playplace like THAT?  Nobody.  I imagined that without Patrick the noise level 'round these parts would be roughly equal to what it was, Patrick is a pretty quiet kid, but I was wrong!  It's been quiet... so very quiet....

Here's what I think it is: Patrick and Eli are good buddies and, when being good buddies, have a good time teaming up against Caroline.  Eli and Caroline are also good buddies, but BETTER buddies when Patrick is out of the picture.  Eli has been sitting down with Caroline and a heap of books on the floor, "reading" to her and pointing out the things I typically point out in books ("count the trucks!" or "which shape is green?"); they just get along so well!  Of course they still have their moments because Eli is a terrible tease and Caroline can be a terrible whiner... this is a common example....

Eli, so sweetly: Poony (her nickname from the kids), do you want this book?
Caroline: Yeh (says it very concisely)
Eli: No! You can't have this book, this is for big boys!
Caroline: NO! Don't! (insert slapping Eli on the head a few times)
Me: ELI, share the book with Caroline right now...
Eli, so sweetly: Poony, do you want this book?...

...and it all begins again.  Anyway, it's been fun having them play together so much and I've asked Eli a number of times if he misses Patrick and the answer is a matter-of-fact "no." I bet he'll realise how much he missed him once he gets back and the house is noisy again :)


Kari and Jonathan said...

It's ok that you blogged it first, I'm still gathering my thoughts and waiting for all the pictures from Aunt Ann.

Anonymous said...

We're having a good time with him here! And don't worry, I'll be blogging about it soon.

Kathy said...

So sad I missed you guys in Denver, again!