Monday, August 16, 2010

Funny girl

My friend clued me into a blog aimed directly at me - a blog for Not-Very-Good Housekeepers. Ahhhh, finally I can bask in the humor of someone who GETS IT (or perhaps just that she ADMITS IT) rather than trying to measure up to someone whose blogs read like a laundry list of "ways my life is better and more put-together than yours" (which their lives undoubtedly are, but do I need to know? Is that good for my mental well-being? I think not).

It was especially good timing that my friend clued me in, as I had just read an article about housekeeping from someone who admitted they hated it (ME!) and I recommended it to her. Turns out, it's the same person! The outspoken blogger happens to write articles for Parent's Magazine every now and again, and this was one of those articles. Very good stuff! So check her out, she's very funny, and please recommend other links you enjoy - parenting or otherwise. Just what you like to read to blow off steam. Thanks!


Elsha said...

She is funny! I added her to my subscriptions.

hibiscusgirl said...

house cleaning what's that?!! My house is 35 years old & it's impossible to get it clean. I try to vacuum, clean bathrooms, mop kitchen floor every few weeks but it's more like every month. ah well, I need one of those signs that says "my house was clean yesterday, sorry you missed it". Once a girl came to my house & commented on a dust bunny in a room I rarely go in. I wanted to ask her if she'd like to come clean my house for me. oh well, dirt doesn't hurt & my kids are very healthy - good for the immune system!