Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Keeping us busy

This is my 100th post! So since I started this blog to keep family updated on our little guy (who is getting less little by the day), this seemed like a good thing to write about on such an "important" post.

Well, let's see.... Patrick has been imitating all kinds of things we do, which can be really great. He makes a little fist and knocks on the door with his knuckles when he wants it open. He hasn't used words to name things yet, not even "mama" or "dad" but he knows when to say words; for instance, he says his "hello" (in gibberish) when he knocks on said doors. He drinks from a glass without any help (but quite often some clean-up afterwards). He gives hugs and kisses when we ask, though he doesn't pucker his lips - he just comes at you with an open mouth! He learned how to drink using a straw, and is especially good with smoothies and milkshakes. He still drops food off his tray during meals, but afterwards we bring the trashcan over and say "pick it up" and he daintily picks up his food and throws it away! This ritual does not seem to deter him from throwing food over the side, though; he actually seems to enjoy picking it up. Even better than "picking up" is vaccuming with our dustbuster - he wants it turned on the entire time, which is loud and obnoxious, but it keeps him very happy and busy vaccuming under the couch and around his chair. He is an avid reader, and we sit down together to read probably 5 or 6 times a day, usually initiated by him. He'll bring over the book he wants to read, hand it to me, then turn around and plonk his butt down in my lap. He has expanded his reading list to probably 10 or 12 books that he'll listen to all the way through (quite a few are not even board books!), his VERY favorites being "Old Hat, New Hat" by the Berensteins, "1, 2, 3" and "A, B, C" touch-and-feel books (thanks, Debbie!), and "Hop on Pop" by Dr. Seuss. You can tell if he's REALLY excited to read a book with you if he snuggles back into your chest and clasps his hands, like he's ready to listen closely! We play hide-and-seek with him, but if we hide TOO hard he gets very sad and thinks we left him. There are more little things he does, of course, but these are some of the more recent, more fun things I wanted to get down.
Our dainty eater - eats it daintily, throws it over the side daintily, picks it up to put it in the trash daintily...
If you ever get a random call from us, it might be Patrick dialing...
The shirt explains it all - "I do all my own stunts"
Sometimes trying to explain your child to others is like leading a horse to water - you can tell that person all the cute stories, the horror stories, show off all your pictures and videos, but still the other person won't know just how wonderful your child is (horror stories and all). Even to spend an afternoon together doesn't do justice (expecially if it's a grumpy afternoon), you really have to spend a number of days together to see all the sides, from ready-and-raring in the morning to a crumbling heap of bedtime stories and goodnight kisses at night, to really get a clear picture. Lastly, it should definitely be where your sweetums is comfortable - I spent 10 days in GJ visiting for Christmas, and Patrick NEVER hit his stride, he was clingy and over-wrought until we finally made it home! So I feel VERY lucky that my mom is coming to Fort Collins for her spring break!!!! Being a grandma of course she loves all her little grandbabies, but this will be the first time we've had so much time together under the circumstances I just laid out! Maybe I'm just being crazy, but I guess I'm just hoping I can share the love and have another person see him through my eyes rather than seeing a quick snapshot, or a spending a quick afternoon (which can be hit or miss), or even spending lots time with him out of his element. We've had wonderful times with family coming to visit for a day or two, but it is going to be one great week!*
A snuggly mama's boy - he took a nap like this for 1-1/2 hours last week! Isn't he a little old for that? It was really sweet, but he got really heavy and sweaty by the end!
*The week I'm mentioning won't happen 'til the 2nd week of March... I'm just excited in advance!


Elsha said...

So, when are you guys moving to Texas so Missy and Patrick can play together every day? The house next door is for sale...

hibiscusgirl said...

what a cutie! thanks for letting us come play today! Max has that stunt shirt - a hand me down from his cousin. too funny! no he's not too "old" to sleep on you like that! Max does that all the time with dad! life is too short & soon he won't be snuggly & you'll miss it. enjoy it - embrace it! goes by too fast!

Kari and Jonathan said...

I think I love him as much as you want me to! Sometimes my heart hurts because i miss him :(