Sunday, November 19, 2017

Game Time

Let's play a game called "Guess What the Genius Occupant Filled Holes With!" It's a hilarious guessing game, and you never know when your craziest guess might be right! Let's get started.

 I spy some white patches on this wall... But wait, one kinda sticks out there. Let's guess what it could be!
 If you guess a paper towel shoved in the hole, you are correct!!

I spy a ceiling vent fan that is out of commsion, the only logical thing to do is cap it off with.... You guessed it! An empty chip bag!!

See those bumps, like the wall has mosquito bites? What do you guess is under those?

I guess more paper towels. I was wrong! If you were more creative and guessed filler from a giant, overstuffed bean bag chair, you are correct! 

 I see a large patch on the left of those graffiti words. You can't see it here but it stands about an inch proud of the rest of the wall and was feathered out (basically the wall looked 3 months pregnant there). Shall we take a guess?
 It's somenthing rectangular...
 If you guessed "a child's flash card" you are correct! And for bonus points, if you guessed the feathering was done with plaster of Paris (like for children's paint-your-own-dinosaur molds) instead of drywall compound, you are also correct!

Ahhhh, this was fun! We'll be back next time with all new odd and interesting finds from The Nut House.

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