Monday, May 14, 2012


First, I forgot the REASON I wrote about Harry Potter in the first place... it's because I'm an idiot!  When we finished reading book 3 Patrick was anxious to get started reading book 4, but I was sure I didn't have it.  I've bought the books sporadically, as I've found them, from 2nd-hand stores, so obviously I haven't bought them in any particular order. I knew I had the first few and the last few, so I considered going to the library to check it out and save some money.  Well, I don't like heading to the library with the three kids, so I just asked a friend if I could borrow it some time.  When Elsha came to visit I'd made up my mind that it's SILLY to own half the books (especially to not own them chronologically) so we set out to Barnes and Nobles and I bought my own copy and we started reading.  A day or two later my faithful friend drove over with her copy to lend us!  How sweet!  What unfortunate timing!  So we gave it right back. A day or two after THAT I was working on packing up our generally-unused items, like books, and I ALREADY HAD IT!  Seriously, how ridiculous am I?! It was on the top shelf of the bookshelf in my living room and I didn't even bother to look because I just ASSUMED that was one of the few I didn't have.  Well, I guess it just goes to show what happens when you ass-u-me...

Now back to real-time.  Today we had our 20-week ultrasound! Always very exciting, it's fun to watch the baby doing stuff (ours happened to be thumb-sucking and kicking) and also fun to have Joe there with me to watch the show.  I think husbands in general (mine in particular) don't handle pregnancy bellies nearly enough - I have to force-hold Joe's hand on my belly when the baby is being especially jumpy - but they seem to enjoy things on a TV screen, so ultrasounds are gratuitous for me AND him!  We confirmed we didn't want to know the gender, so the tech scrolled around and measured things and didn't try to find a "money shot"... but while she was scrolling around measuring the femurs Joe and I, independently, noted that there was not much to be seen between those two leg bones.  So while we're not sure by any means, I think the swing has gone from 50/50 chances to 60/40 in favor of a girl.  Fun!  Of course, fun either way and I am waiting until the baby is out of my belly to officially declare any gender status, but I was hoping for a girl for Caroline's sake :)  That's it for today!  


Elsha said...

Whoops about the book!

Also, I've felt like this baby is another girl, for whatever that's worth.

Kari and Jonathan said...

I forgot to write in my last comment that it makes me laugh out loud to imagine Patrick saying, "can we read Pod?" he's too funny.

Yayayay for girls! Can't wait to be there! Eek.

Eric and Amy said...

That would be fun to have 2 boys and 2 girls, but it's a blessing no matter what! Congrats!